Wedding Invitations

What data information must the wedding invitations contain?

– The names of the newlyweds (and their parents, if you want a traditional invitation)
– The place, date and time of the ceremony
– Place and time of the glass of water
– Bride and groom wedding website for R.S.V.P (presence confirmation)
– The bride and groom’s contact

Finally, they should also add any information they deem essential regarding the organization of the big day (for example, that it is a party without children), or the official dress code (for example, that the long gala, inspired by the 1920s , are a must for your theme party).

In what order should the data appear?

At this point, freedom is complete, however, if you want to follow the more traditional protocol, you must organize the data like this:

– The name of the bride and groom, highlighted, together with their parents (if you want to include them)

– Any original phrase that conveys the good news followed by the day + date + place of celebration

– Request for confirmation (with date) and some contact of the couple and/or the wedding website. RAIN

Invitation formality

It is up to the couple to define the degree of formality they wish to give to the invitations. Whether it’s a casual party, or even a mini wedding, ideally, the invitations convey a certain level of closeness and trust. For more traditional and/or numerous parties, invitations can be more formal, in order to adapt to all profiles.

Another option is to make original and personalized wedding invitations for the closest family and friends, and more formal ones for the other guests.

Sending invitations

Ideally, invitations should be personally delivered by the couple to the closest people (sponsors, grandparents, etc.). The remaining invitations can be sent by post or even by email (practical and low cost solution).

Invitations should be sent out between two and six months before the big day, preferably. Especially if the wedding takes place in another city/country, or if most of the guests come from abroad, it is advisable to send a Save The Date one year in advance.

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